Osburn Burke Middle Enrollment By Gender
The student body of Osburn Burke Middle in Pico Rivera, Los Angeles County, California is exactly split between males and females. The total number of students attending the school is 634 with both males and females making up exactly 50% of that total (317 of 634 students).
Gender | Number | % |
Female | 317 | 50.0 % |
Male | 317 | 50.0 % |
Osburn Burke Middle Enrollment By Race
The student body of Osburn Burke Middle in Pico Rivera, Los Angeles County, California is made up of 5 ethnicities. The largest ethnic group of the 634 students at Osburn Burke Middle is Hispanic. This is followed by White (1.9 %), Black (0.8 %), Asian (0.6 %) and Indian (0.3 %).
Race | Number | % |
Indian | 2 | 0.3 % |
Asian | 4 | 0.6 % |
Hispanic | 611 | 96.4 % |
Black | 5 | 0.8 % |
White | 12 | 1.9 % |