
Glenoaks Schools in San Fernando, California

Enrollment, demographics, and student/teacher ratios for Glenoaks Schools in San Fernando, CA

Physical Address Mailing Address Student/Teacher Ratio
1525 Glenoaks Blvd
San Fernando, CA 91340-1739
24 to 1
Phone Number: N/A Rating: N/A Viewed: 2/5/2025

Glenoaks Schools Enrollment By Gender

The majority of students going to Glenoaks Schools in San Fernando, Los Angeles County, California are female. In fact, 74.2 % (92 out of 124) of the entire student body at Glenoaks Schools are female.
Gender Number %
Female 92 74.2 %
Male 32 25.8 %

Glenoaks Schools Enrollment By Race

The student body of Glenoaks Schools in San Fernando, Los Angeles County, California is made up of 2 ethnicities. The largest ethnic group of the 124 students at Glenoaks Schools is Hispanic. This is followed by and White (10.5 %).
Race Number %
Hispanic 63 50.8 %
White 13 10.5 %