
Bronx Career And College Preparatory High School in Bronx, New York

Addresses, directions, student/teacher ratios and other information for Bronx Career And College Preparatory High School in Bronx, NY

Physical Address Mailing Address Student/Teacher Ratio
800 Home St
Bronx, NY 10456
800 Home St
Bronx, NY 10456
16.2 to 1
Phone Number: (718) 542-4011 Rating: N/A Viewed: 2/22/2025

Summary of Bronx Career And College Preparatory High School

Bronx Career And College Preparatory High School is a public school located in the large city of Bronx, Bronx County, New York. With a total of 153 students in the student body and 9 full time teachers on staff, it has a student teacher ratio about 16.19048:1. The school offers classes that range from grade levels 9 to 10.

School Type Grade Levels Offered
Bronx Career And College Preparatory High School is a Public School in Bronx, New York Public School
Bronx Career And College Preparatory High School is not an Elementary School in Bronx, New York Elementary School
Bronx Career And College Preparatory High School is not a Private School in Bronx, New York Private School
Bronx Career And College Preparatory High School is not a Middle School in Bronx, New York Middle School
Bronx Career And College Preparatory High School is not a Religious School in Bronx, New York Religious School
Bronx Career And College Preparatory High School is not a High School in Bronx, New York High School

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